AMAE History:
The Association of Mexican American Educators was formed in 1965. It was born in conflict with the existing educational system and its inequality of educational opportunity for all students, in particular Mexican/Latino students. AMAE was organized to address the problems facing our students in the schools.
Efforts were directed toward the elimination of English only rules, toward scholarships to encourage students to continue their education, and toward a drive to attract more Latinos to educational careers and into positions of leadership and influence. Today, there are chapters throughout the state of California. Just in our valley, chapters exist in Fresno, Madera, and Porterville.
AMAE Mission:
To ensure equal access to financial resources for a quality education for Mexican American/Latino students at all levels, validate and affirm cultural and linguistic diversity, advise local/state boards, legislators, administrators, and faculty on educational and financial policy, working partnership with parents and communities for the benefit of our students, retention, support, and development of Mexican American/Latino educators and all others committed to a top quality education in the 21st Century for our students."
Annual Fresno AMAE Events:
AMAE Monthly Meetings - 4th Thursday of each month (Members Check your Email)
Golf Tournament (April)
Back to School Social & Membership Drive (August/September )
Christmas Mixer & Toy Drive (December)
Valentine's Dance (February)
Si Se Puede Conference (March)
Dia del Maestro and Scholarship Banquet (May)